The School of Engineering and Technology, Principal Investigator, Aviation Department Chair, Mr. John Murray assisted in the pursuit of a per capita grant with Go Virginia, Department of Housing and Community Development (GoVA-DHCD). Hampton University is an organizing academia Member of the newly formed ARISE Alliance. Deadline For GoVA Submission was July 30, 2020. The Virginia’s Autonomous Workforce and Economic Development Program (VADP) is a collaborative partnership between educational institutions, localities, government agencies, industry, and nonprofits. This partnership will be governed by the Autonomy Research Institute for Societal Enhancement (ARISE) which is a new Virginia 501(c)(4) Non-profit Organization founded on May 14, 2020. The Alliance has a three-part mission 1) to conduct research, education, training and workforce development in Air-Sea-Land Unmanned Systems and Autonomous Traffic Management (UTM), including Urban/Advanced Air Mobility (UAM/AAM) and related Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) principles, 2) to educate students and citizens, and 3) to provide technological advisory service and legal insights to policy makers, industry, and the public on matters relating to Autonomy and Smart City Mobility. ARISE will be based on Fort Monroe in the lower Chesapeake Bay, a location ideal for technology development, testing, training, and implementation in a complex heterogeneous urban environment, ARISE and VADP aim to serve all Hampton Roads localities and throughout the Commonwealth and the Nation. The HU portion of this program will require release time as specified in the university’s Matching Contribution, submitted for the GoVA ARISE-VADP application. There are no current space requirements for this proposal. Indirect Cost Rate for this program still needs to be determined. There is no Technology/Equipment/Instrumentation included in the budget. No travel costs are required for this proposal.